Your customers live in an omnichannel world—so should your marketing. Learn to create seamless customer journeys that link social media, search, email, and more. This course helps you guide leads from their first touchpoint to the moment they become loyal customers, ensuring every piece of content serves the buyer’s journey.
Social media shouldn’t just be noise—it’s your chance to build an authentic community around your brand. Learn how to engage followers across platforms, spark genuine discussions, and turn casual fans into devoted advocates who champion your mission.
There’s more to influencer marketing than swapping shout-outs. Partner with industry authorities and complementary brands to co-create campaigns that feel authentic, build trust, and deliver real ROI. This course shows you how to nurture meaningful relationships and forge marketing alliances that elevate your brand’s credibility and reach.
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Mūsdienu laikmetā, kad ir izveidojies ļoti plašsaziņas līdzekļu tīkls, sociālo mediju platformas, jo īpaši Facebook, ir mainījušas veidu, kā zīmoli sazinās, veido saikni un pārveido savu auditoriju. OKX.coach izveidotais SMM un Facebook reklāmas kurss ir rūpīgi izstrādāts, lai jūs varētu apgūt progresīvas stratēģijas un metodes, kas ļaus jums izcelties starp citiem, izstrādāt iedarbīgas kampaņas un garantēt, ka katra mijiedarbība pasvītro jūsu zīmola vēstījumu.